Delhi to London by Bus – World Longest Bus Trip Launched

Delhi to London by Bus

This news is very interesting for those peoples who are very fond of traveling the world. Peoples used mostly airplanes to travel from Delhi to London as its a very long route to travel. Although there are so much flight on this route But if you have interest and willing you can travel by bus also from Delhi to London by road. On 15 August a bus named ‘Bus to London’ is launched by a private traveler company of Gurgaon. Anyone can reach from Delhi to London through this bus just in 70 days. Its true that its too long by road and this journey will be one way.

In this journey the bus is covering a distance of 20000 km from Delhi to London by road.

The countries it pass

This bus will pass about 18 countries in 70 days trip from Delhi to London. Which India, Myanmar, Thailand, Lithuania, France, Poland, Laos, China, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, and United Kingdom. However,There are many people who will ask that how will this be possible.

The facility you will get:

In fact, Tushar and Sanjay Madan two Delhi residents both have traveled by road from Delhi to London earlier. Also except this they both had traveled by car previously in 2017, 2018 and 2019 by road. On the same route, Now the time when the same journey is planned again with 20 other peoples by bus. In this journey by bus all types of facilities you can enjoy in ‘Bus to London’.

For this journey a Special bus is being prepared . In this bus there will be a seating arrangement for 20 passengers. Also in this bus all the seats will be of only business class. Except all 20 riders this bus also will have 4 other passengers which are a driver, an assistant driver, a person from the organizer and a  guide. In all above 18 countries from which this bus will pass the guide will continue changing. As a result the passenger will not face any type of problem while travelling.

Visa will be arranged by the Traveler company

Here this must be a question in all of your minds. How the visa will be arranged ? So here the answer that this company will arrange all the visa. As for this journey a person will need 10 visas. At the same time, there is no problem for the passengers, So that this traveler company will make full arrangements of your visa. Also there are four categories have been selected for this journey of ‘Bus to London’. Also if someone wants a short time journey then he can select his category. If anyone do not wants to travel to London not willing to complete the journey. Then he can also select his desired category. He/She can pay for that accordingly as there is different pricing for each category.

How much money it will required:

Now discuss about the most important point that is about how much you have to pay. So, You have to pay about 15 lakh rupees to travel from Delhi to London. One more facility of EMI also you can select to pay for this journey.

For such trip flight tickets are much more cheaper than this bus but it also includes lots of adventures overland. Here Tushaar Aggarwal says – Sanjay Madan and I traveled from Delhi to London in 2017, 2018 and 2019 by car, along with some of our other partners. Tushaar is the founder of Adventure Overland Traveler Company which had launched this Bus.

Further more Tushaar says that Many peoples had expressed their desire to join this tour with us. Based on their desire we made a plan of this bus. They said that they organize such a trip every year.

From May next year The journey will start:

As this Bus trip was launched on 15 of August. We expect that we will start our journey on May 2010. Due to this corona pandemic the registration for this journey has not started yet. Also the conditions of other countries should be taken into consideration as there is high risk of infection currently. The travel date is not yet been announced.

Tushaar reveals that this journey will be completed in 70 days approx. Where the company will provide all types of facilities throughout the trip. To stay between the trip the company will also arranged the hotels which will be 4 star or 5 star. Also if while the trip the passenger wants to enjoy Indian food then that will be provided to them accordingly. Lastly he says that As its a long Route travel so for this trip Passion is required. Therefore only those should have to join this trip who really fond of travelling Eagerly.

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