In India, Reliance Jio introduced the JioBharat J1 4G, a smartphone with a 4G keypad that is priced affordably and comes with the company’s exclusive Bharat plan. Additionally, it comes pre-loaded with applications such as JioTV, JioCinema, and JioPay. It’s important to remember that Jio unveiled the B1 4G in October of last year.
The JioBharat J1 4G feature phone, which retails for less than Rs 2,000, was recently introduced by Jio in India. This feature phone, which costs Rs. 1,799, has a lot of modern features, making it a good choice for people who are on a tight budget. On the websites of Amazon, Reliance Digital, and JioMart, it is currently available for purchase.
Specifications and Key Features
The fact that the Jio Bharat J1 is distinct from the other Jio phones in that it supports UPI payment via Jio money and provides additional entertainment with pre-installed Jio TV to stream over 455 live TV channels is even more intriguing. J1 4G will be available in 23 languages, making it easier for people to use smartphones in these languages.
The JioBharat J1 4G comes in a sleek black color and has a 2.8-inch non-touch display. The back of the phone has a single camera with 0.3 megapixels. The JioBharat J1’s support for UPI payments through JioMoney makes transactions simple and is a significant feature. In addition, users can stream over 455 live TV channels thanks to the device’s access to OTT services like JioCinema and HD calling support.
The J1 4G, like the other Jio phones, will only work with the Jio network, so it won’t work with any other telecom sim card. It has an audio jack with a 3.5mm connector for earphones. The phone has an FM radio, a 0.3MP rear camera, and microSD card support for up to 128GB of expandable storage.
Usability and Connectivity
The JioBharat J1 cannot be used with other telecom providers because it is tied to the Jio network. Despite this limitation, the phone is available in 23 Indian languages, making it more accessible to a wider audience. It has an FM radio, a 3.5mm audio jack for connecting earphones, a removable 2,500mAh battery, and microSD card expansion up to 128GB.
Pre-loaded applications and a customized recharge plan
In order to provide 4G internet connectivity to those with lower incomes, Reliance Jio regularly introduces smartphones at prices that are accessible to them. The JioBharat J1 4G is now available for purchase on Amazon for the reasonable price of Rs 1,799. It costs slightly more than the Jio Bharat B1 4G, which came out last year.
The phone supports 4G VoLTE for improved voice call quality and comes pre-loaded with Jio apps. Jio offers a special recharge plan for the device that costs Rs 123 and includes 28 days of validity, 14GB of data, and unlimited calls to any network. Because of this, users who want to stay connected without spending a lot of money should consider it.
With its combination of affordability and advanced features, the JioBharat J1 4G feature phone is expected to appeal to a wide range of users in India. It stands out in the feature phone market thanks to its live TV and UPI payment support. It supports multiple languages and comes pre-loaded with Jio apps, but it is only available on the Jio network. The JioBharat J1 4G is a good option for people looking for a low-cost mobile device with a lot of features.
For those who haven’t had access to a 4G network yet, the Jio Bharat J1 is an affordable phone that costs Rs 1,799 and adds additional features like support for UPI payments, support for 23 languages, JioCinema OTT, FM Radio, and a single rear camera.